Elder Scrolls Online Horns Of The Reach DLC

In this article, we’ll tell you some basic information about the new ESO DLC, Horns of the Reach.

Release Date: August 14, 2017 (PC, Mac) / August 29, 2017 (XBox One) / August 29, 2017 (PS4)

Horns of the Reach

Fee: Access with 1500 Crowns or ESO Plus

Horns of the Reach is the sixth additional pack added to Elder Scrolls Online. After the Shadows of the Hist, it is the second dungeon-containing package. So there is not a map where you can walk freely, and there are only two dungeons: Bloodroot Forge and Falkreath Hold. Stop the Reachmen and Minotaur allies. The entry of these dungeons is in the Craglorn map.

You can buy DLC permanently for 1500 crowns. Or you can access it during your ESO Plus membership. When your ESO Plus is finished, you will not be able to enter this content, but you will be able to use the items you have acquired.

Bloodroot Forge

It is possible to drop a monster set when you have the last boss of this dungeon with normal and veteran versions. Also, if you have access to DLC, you can take it as an assignment in the undaunted PLEDGE. You can win a hat as a reward when you finish this veteran of this dungeon.

  • Flame Blossom
  • Blooddrinker
  • Hagraven’s Garden
  • Earthgore (monster set)

Falkreath Hold

It is possible to drop a monster set when you have the last boss of this dungeon with normal and veteran versions. Also, if you have access to DLC, you can take it as an assignment in the undaunted pledge. When you finish this dungeon veteran, you can win a Dreadhorn Shaman Skin as a reward.

  • Draugr’s Rest
  • Pillar of Nirn
  • Ironblood
  • Domihaus (monster set)

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